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Fleet management

Automation of maintenance processes

Vehicle fleet management involves the need to monitor a number of parameters that determine the operational capacity of vehicles. Most common of them are the dates of servicing, inspections, insurance, and replacement of parts. Due to the fact that the SATIS system has the option to check the vehicle odometer readings and define the dates for maintenance and insurance, a group of functions can be used for automatic monitoring of the need to perform any predefined maintenance activities in advance, as specified by the user.

In one of the projects, maintenance notifications are sent directly to the car service stations assigned to the vehicle. The station is responsible for contacting the relevant vehicle user and scheduling maintenance or specific replacements of parts. Thanks to this group of functions fleet can be operated in a timely manner and any administrative tasks related to car fleet management are optimised.

Improved timeliness of deliveries

A standard function of the SATIS system is online monitoring. With monitoring the operator responsible for handling transport processes has the ability to respond immediately to any situations that could lead to delays in deliveries. This helps to improve the quality of Customer service. In addition, SATIS makes it possible to temporarily (day and time limits) provide online view of the vehicle that carries out the transport tasks for the Customer. This allows the Customer to prepare for pickup or loading of goods.

Control of transport conditions

Because additional accessories (e.g. thermometers or sensors for monitoring the chiller) can be connected to SATIS units, it is possible to continuously monitor the transport conditions, such as conditions in isothermal storage. This enables not only the generation of alarms when the acceptable conditions of carriage are exceeded, but also the verification of what has caused such a situation. SATIS also gives the ability to generate temperature reports for the recipients of goods and offices authorised to control them.

Optimising the car fleet costs

The operating costs of vehicle fleet are not limited to fuel costs. Inspections, servicing, and replacements of parts as a result of vehicle wear are an important cost component. Optimisation of annual mileage of vehicles can automatically reduce the number of necessary inspections and services. Introduction of eco-driving recommendations also allows limiting the wear of brake pads, discs, clutches, and suspension elements. Unplanned expenses can be avoided by eliminating the possible loss of guarantee due to “missed” service or inspection. The SATIS system features full management of the aforementioned parameters to achieve tangible financial benefits.

Notification of desired or undesired events

SATIS units use a wide range of data. Starting from the vehicle position, current speed or amount of fuel in the tank, to the identification of operation of advanced vehicle components. These data may be supplemented by information from map data, such as points on the map or predefined areas.

The system can very easily define any alarm or notification that will be displayed in the application and sent to the indicated email address or mobile phone. This can be used, for example, to set an alarm when high engine rpm is detected at low vehicle speed, which indicates a very rapid start or exceeded defined speed. An alarm informing of departure of a company vehicle on a day off work over a distance of more than 30 kilometres can also be very useful.

Increased safety of employees and vehicles

Safety Driving is becoming a more and more common concept. The function detecting rapid acceleration, decelerations and excessive speed with much precision can be used for introducing mechanisms that promote safe driving.

Accident rates in individual companies vary significantly. Increasing focus has been recently put on the improvement of travel safety.

Fuel consumption optimisation – Eco-driving

In addition to typical location measurements, SATIS system also allows for accurate detection of aggressive, and therefore inefficient and dangerous, driving. This is done by detecting any sudden accelerations, decelerations, high engine speed and excessive driving speed.