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Fuel measurement

Fuel control

In trucks, fuel measurement is carried out in several ways, depending on the age, type and equipment of vehicles. The most typical measurement is based on the manufacturer’s float in single-tank vehicles. It can be used to determine with great accuracy the amount of supplied fuel, missing fuel and average fuel consumption.

Measurement in multi-tank vehicles

In the case of multi-tank vehicles, fuel measurement is done by installing additional fuel probe that measure its level independently in each tank. Such measurements (in vehicles manufactured after 2004) may be supplemented by the data obtained from the vehicle control unit (not to be confused with the on-board computer).

Total fuel – fuel meter

Practically every engine control unit uses the “total fuel” parameter. It counts every millilitre of fuel that physically has entered the engine. By controlling this parameter, it is possible to accurately calculate the average fuel consumption. This allows preventing fuel thefts more subtle than stealing fuel straight from the tank or pouring it into canisters instead of the tank at the filling station. The system is supplemented by the data from fuel cards, invoices or companies’ filling stations.

This makes it possible to control whether the amount of fuel indicated on the purchase document is the same as the amounts recorded by the measuring instruments. These mechanisms can significantly reduce the trade in so-called “savings”, fuel stolen directly from tanks, the so-called “incomplete refill” or sabotages within companies’ filling stations.